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who are we

Remnant New Zealand


We are a group of dedicated individuals passionate about serving the Lord.


The vision and the passion for RemnantNZ was initiated by Keith and Vivienne Adams along with others, who have joined us. We are about to launch a new chapter Keith's primary ministry is equipping believers for ministry, in the Church to affect the community and the World. Vivienne's gifts are compassion and hospitality. The one thing we have learned over years of the Christian life it's not about personalities, it's about the person of Jesus. You see God specializes in using no-name people in the world and certainly in the last days. He is raising up an army of believers who don't have the credentials, tags, or labels that are required by the Church but who desire to serve, to submit, and are dedicated to one purpose, which is to build God's Kingdom.


Don't get us wrong we are not rebels but we do challenge some Church's integrity and motives and so often are seen as troublemakers. When in all honesty we want His leaders to be accountable and teach the whole counsel of God, not just their pet subjects. Abolishing the seeker service mentality instead of seeking God's Glory, You see the purpose of His Church is to be His people together as one, to entertain His presence and experience His Glory which will bring people to His Kingdom, To honor God and declare to a sick world, Jesus is the only way and that through Jesus sacrifice on the Cross and his blood that was shed, everyone can have eternal life. 

The Vision of Remnant New Zealand began in 2019 when God spoke through the book of Joel and since then He has confirmed through many ministries and the Holy Spirits leading, that we are part of the Remnant whom God has called us to awaken His people in these last days, to prepare for the Bride of Christ. 'The Church within a Church' is what we are. We have not abandoned the Church as we are involved in Churches ourselves A remnant is a reference to a small proportion of God's people at the end of the age, who have clung to the unadulterated beliefs, faith, and doctrines of the early Church GOD WANTS TO RAISE UP A HOLY REMNANT. It will be interdenominational, it will be birthed and bathed in prayer, it will be small groups within the Church, who are sold out for Jesus Christ. It will be a people who hear from God and act upon that Word in the power and authority, we have been given through Jesus Christ. It will not be about personalities, seeking glory but the Body of Christ functioning as one people. It will be a part of God's end-time Army that God is raising up for the coming revival and harvest 

we believe in the church

We believe it is time for the bride to prepare.

It's time to prepare Church and wake up for He is near


Jesus's parable of the ten virgins each with a lamp went out to meet the bridegroom, five were wise and five were called foolish, as they did not take any oil with them. The wise took jars of oil with them. As the bridegroom was a long time coming, they all fell asleep. At midnight the cry came 'The bridegroom is here' He has come to meet his Bride. They trimmed their lamps but the foolish ones had no oil and there was not enough to go around. So they went to find oil, In the meantime the wise virgins went in to be with the Bridegroom, the door was then locked. The foolish came and knocked 'Lord open the door for us' The reply came back 'I tell you, I do not know you' Therefore keep watch because you do not know the day or the hour He will come' (Matthew 25:1-13)

playtime is over

We are entering an exciting time but we must be prepared.

Be prepared to partner with God


The only way for His Church to be the Church is when we see God is bigger than anything we face. That His word is so powerful when we claim it, that it will come to pass. We need to work with (partner) with the Holy Spirit and His angels to bring about the fulfillment of His Word and the purposes of God in heaven as it is on earth (Matthew 6:10).

Be prepared for persecution


No one wants persecution, although ask the persecuted church and they'd say that's their strength. Jesus implied we'd be persecuted for His Name's sake. So let's no longer sit in our comfortable settings, thinking it'll be all right just like the foolish virgins, Wake up Church (Luke 6:22). 

Be prepared to war in the Spirit 


We are in a battle which incidently Jesus has won, but it's up to His Church to activate and use the weapons He has given us to take back the ground that has been lost. Paul speaks of this battle in Ephesians that we don't fight flesh and blood but principalities in the heavenly realm (Eph 6:12)

Be prepared in small group ministry


Small groups were in the beginning of the Church and are essential for the persecuted Church. So in preparation for what's ahead, we must be prepared as a Church to function in small groups. It is where we can minister, teach, pray, encourage, and worship our Lord (Acts 2:46)

we are here to help you

Need help, prayer or encouragement.

It would be a privilege to work with you wherever you live. We are available when you need some advice, you need prayer support or just to be encouraged.  Give us a call, a text, or an email and we'll respond to you as soon as we are able. We'd love for you to partner with us, if you have a group that relates to us, we'd love to be encouraged by your endeavors and with your prayers. Thank you for trusting us, believing in us, and partnering with us, in these critical days we are facing. More than ever we need to be unified, moving together to establish and extend His Kingdom.          

our ministry team

Introducing ourselves


Keith Adams


Keith has been involved in ministry across the Salvation Army, Brethren, Baptist, and Pentecostal Churches. From a non-Christian home, he has seen his whole household turn to the Lord. His passion is to see the Body functioning in the Spirit.


Vivienne Adams


Viv was born in Henley south of Dunedin. She spent most of her life as a nurse, Viv is married to Keith, and they have four children and seven grandchildren. Viv is your host when staying at Remnant House as part of her ministry in hospitality as well as her caring and healing giftings.

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